Author Archives: SiteMGR-KM

True Colors Benefit!

A few months ago I was contacted by the Office of the Public Guardian. They asked if I would help them with an upcoming fundraising dinner, True Colors. It is a fundraiser for their programs, their motto is “OPG helps people be heard, even when they can’t speak for themselves.” I have been honored to...

Haute again!

Haute Headz has been a blast to work with! Here is alittle sneak peek at some of my most recent favs. WCTV came out to cover some of the shoot. It was so exciting! Randi Buchannan is the master behind all of the beautiful faces…

Patrick & Kim December 9th Wakulla Springs

My husband has known Pat since middle school, so of course when they announced their engagement I could not wait to photograph the big day! They decided to get hitched at Wakulla Springs, which is where Patrick’s grandparents honeymooned. Take a look at some of their beautiful day. I was so happy to be there....

Carillon Beach wedding 12/1/07

Stephanie and Jody tied the know there a few weeks ago and I just had to share some images. Carillon Beach is my favorite location to photograph a wedding. Between the gorgeous landscape of the beach and chapel to the wonderful coordinating and guidance of Victoria it is wonderful. It was so beautiful outside, really...

Studio images!!

Yippee! We are in the new studio. Waiting on the shelving for the storeroom and the flat screen to be hung. Lots of boxes to unpack and prints to order for the walls, but I can’t wait for the big opening. The official opening will be after the holidays, but I am doing tons of...